Laramie D Merritt

Address: Hansen Law 233 S. Pleasant Grove Blvd., Ste 202 Pleasant Grove, Utah 84062
Laramie D. Merritt is a partner at Hansen Law. Mr. Merritt graduated from the J. Reuben Clark Law School in 1995, clerked for the Honorable Steven L. Hansen of the Utah Fourth Judicial District Court, then joined the firm of Duval Hansen Witt & Morley, P.C., which represented a number of northern Utah County municipalities and local corporations.
From 2000-2007, Mr. Merritt served as general counsel for Oxyrich, Inc., a health supplement manufacturing company, drafting contracts and advising the corporation as to regulatory law, employment and real estate issues. During that time Mr. Merritt also served as the Riverton City Prosecutor from June 2005 through April 2007.
Since returning to private law practice in 2007, Mr. Merritt has used his land surveying and corporate law background to develop a general practice including real estate and construction law, contracts, estate and corporate planning, probate, civil litigation and criminal prosecution. Mr. Merritt has served on the Utah State Bar’s Multijurisdictional Practice Committee, on a committee developing the Utah Advance Health Care Directive, and is a member of the Central Utah Bar Association. Mr. Merritt is licensed to practice in both Utah and Wyoming.